Monday, May 18, 2009

A Few Things About My Honey

I got the idea for this post after seeing something very similar on another site. I have to be honest in that it wasn't my own original thought. :-) I wrote this post a few days ago and have been searching for a picture to add to the post. There were many to choose from and although this was an older picture, I just love it. This picture was taken at the "Tournament of Kings" dinner show at the Excalibur hotel in Las Vegas the week we were married.

He is:

A father, a son, a brother, an uncle, a great-uncle, a lover of all.

My husband for nearly 8 years.

A giver not a taker.

A hard worker with an entrepreneurial spirit.

An amazing father!

A wrestling coach.

A small business owner.

A breakfast skipper, a sometimes lunch skipper!

A lover of eating all things bad for you.

A wonderful man.

The love of my life.

Always forgiving and never holds a grudge.

A maker of beautiful babies.

Generous , kind, giving and compassionate.

A procrastinator, a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of guy.

Hater of anything that involves shopping, unless it's for him.

A truck driving, tractor riding, lover of our many acres of land.

A bedtime snuggling, daytime avoider of PDA.

Always accommodating and self-sacrificial.

Our life at time is full of difficult choices, but no matter what, I'll always choose him!


  1. Very sweet Christy! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. OK, so what exactly is it you REALLY want Marlin to do?? Patch that hole in the upstairs hall?? Finish the basement? The trim in the family room?

  3. Dear Christy,
    So nice to hear how very happy you are in your marraige and life in general. You are a genuine, loving, and grateful young woman. What a wonderful blessing you are to your family!
    Love you,
    Aunt Brenda
